Co-Initiation Report
Friday 10 March saw the first exciting stage of CItEE 2023 take place at the Eden Campus in Guardbridge. Our amazing students came together to introduce their ideas, receive their awards, and start thinking about taking their projects forward. They were joined by some of the most creative and innovative colleagues from right across the University and the ideas were flowing.

Using the board room in Eden Campus our teams worked in groups, quickly generating ideas for potential stakeholders and settings in which they could eventually realise their projects.
The range of ideas was incredible with some students already having piloted projects in local schools and community groups.
What next?
Students continue to work on their ideas and consider external stakeholders who we will invite for stage two, taking place in April.
As the first of what is many creative enterprise events, Co-Initiation 2023 was a huge success. Thank you to our sponsors for allowing this to take place. Watch this space for news about stage two.