Young and Grieving Network

Sunday 12 February 2023

I propose that one of the biggest challenges facing a society in which parents are getting older is an increasing number of bereaved children in schools. Due to the limitations of CAMHS and school resources already being overstretched, many young people cannot access support when experiencing the loss of an immediate family member. They are left feeling isolated, alone and unhappy.

My suggestion is that schools are provided with a resource booklet for young people that can be issued following the death of a close family member, friend or the like. This could contain resources such as mindfulness exercises, where to go for support and information on how to talk to a trusted adult about the subject. There could also be a corresponding booklet for school staff on how to support their students and resources for caregivers.

Long term, I would love to expand this to incorporate a ‘buddy system’ in which the young person is paired with an individual who has also lost a parent (preferably an older student or one who lost a parent at a younger age) to allow children to form connections with others who have experienced the same. Further to this, local authority hubs could be established in which mentoring, counselling and skills workshops could be delivered, in addition to establishing a network of young people who have had similar experiences.

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